Way back in 2008, I went to Las Vegas in the USA. Now, while I loved the atmosphere of the place, I don't gamble, so a lot of the entertainment was lost on me. I did however visit The Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon which were both pretty cool. Within Las Vegas itself however, the best thing that I did was visit Star Trek The Experience.
Star Trek The Experience was an attraction in the Las Vegas Hilton from 1998 to 2008. For loads of information on it you can view the Memory Alpha page for it by following this link.
The main part of the attraction were a couple of, well, experiences, that rivalled anything that Disney or Universal Studios have to offer. Obviously, whilst in those you couldn't take pictures (not that I'd have wanted to as I was too busy enjoying them), but hanging around waiting for them to get running, in the Star Trek area, I was able to snap away. So here are some of the pictures that I took that day. (I've had to lighten some of the photos so that the images are actually visible, so apologies for the graininess of some of them.)
The Enterprise NCC-1701, the Constitution Class refit, that first debuted in Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
Picard's Enterprise. The Galaxy Class NCC-1701-D.
Whilst waiting for the experiences I met a couple of people from the Star Trek universe. One was this Klingon. On hearing my accent he said to me
"You're English! You had a mighty empire...once!"
His profile on the Star Trek The Experience website said that he had travelled back to the 21st Century from a Time Station. (Apparently with the intention of insulting holiday makers.)
I also met this fellow. A Borg who had been rescued from The Collective and was trying to regain his individuality.
Talking of The Borg, they also had a prop replica of what was left of one incarnation of The Borg Queen after its demise in Star Trek: First Contact.
And back to the Klingon's, another prop replica. This time the bat'leth known as The Sword Of Kahless.
And, the Klingon Bird Of Prey.