Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Dice Quiz.

If you've read my previous post, you'll know that, while my Wednesday night games club, Isleworth Board Gamers was on hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some of our members posted quizzes and such on our BoardGameGeek forum. You might even have had a go at solving the crossword in that blog post. Along with that crossword, on BGG, I posted a quiz entitled "Look At The Dice, Name The Game." I thought I'd repost it here so a wider audience can have a go at it.

Some of the games are well known, some fairly obscure. Nonetheless, if you guess the game from the picture alone, you get 2 points but if you need to use the clue (looking things up on-line or on BoardGameGeek at this point is fine), you get 1 point. There are a total of 24 points on offer. I've put all the clues after all the pictures so that you can have a good look at all the dice before you resort to the clues (if indeed you need them). The answers are at the very bottom of this post. Good luck!














1. Board-based World War Two wargame from Days Of Wonder.

2. Co-operative adventure game from Themeborne Ltd, inspired by Fighting Fantasy Books.

3. Gladiatorial combat with pre-painted, metal miniatures from em4miniatures.

4. Word Game by Reiner Knizia from Big Potato Games.

5. World War Two air combat game from Warlord Games.

6. Fantasy Flight's hugely successful space combat game that uses the Flightpath System.

7. Wizkids' less successful space combat game that uses the Flightpath System.

8. Board-based sci-fi wargame from Braincrack Games.

9. Steam-powered robots play sport in Privateer Press' Warmachine setting.

10. Dice-drafting superhero game from Wizkids.

11. Discontinued fantasy wargame from Fantasy Flight.

12. Egyptian-themed abstract strategy game from Yay Games.


1. Memoir '44.

2. Escape The Dark Castle.

3. Ludus Gladatorius.

4. Clickbait.

5. Blood Red Skies: Battle Of Britain.

6. Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game.

7. Star Trek: Attack Wing.

8. Farsight.

9. Grind.

10. Marvel Dice Masters: Avengers Vs X-Men.

11. Runewars Miniatures Game.

12. Ominoes.

Games Crossword.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, my usual Wednesday night board games club went on hiatus. During this time, members kept in touch using our forum on the great website that is BoardGameGeek. Among other things, some of our club members posted quizzes. Inspired by this, I decided to get in on the act and came up with this crossword.

All the answers relate to games in BoardGameGeek's top 500 except for one which is way doewn the list but fitted so nicely into the grid.

You will probably need to copy the image below and print it out. Please don't write on your screen with a permanent marker. 

Answers are at the bottom of this post. Enjoy.


5. Part of a plant which attaches it to the ground and provides water and nourishment. (4)

7. Lay tiles to help build this walled French city. (11)

10. See 6 DOWN.

13. (And 4 ACROSS) Wizard paladin. (4,6)

14. Alloy of Copper and Zinc where UK Games Expo was in 2019. (5,10)

15. (And 9 DOWN and 20 ACROSS) Epic occidental route. (5,7,5)

18. Joan Of Arc was Maid of here. (7)

20. See 15 ACROSS.

21. (And 17 DOWN) A single thing is all. (4,3)

22. Abbreviated year of this memorable recreation of the D-Day campaign. (9)


1. Grim Reaper's farming implement. (6)

2. (And 16 DOWN) Terror in Lovecraftian town. (6,6)

3. Ready, steady, __. (2)

4. See 13 ACROSS.

5. Collect tiles before the sun god stops you. (2)

6. (And 10 Across) Making the red planet like Earth. (12,4)

8. A long time ag in a galaxy far, far away, roll dice to decide your fate. (4,4,7)

9. See 15 ACROSS.

11. Dark place of safety. (10)

12. Natural environment of organism. (7)

16. See 2 DOWN.

17. See 21 ACROSS.

19. Spanish blue. (4)



5. Root.

7. Carcassonne.

13. Mage Knight.

14. Brass Birmingham.

15. Great Western Trail.

18. Orleans.

21. Just One.

22. Forty-Four.


1. Scythe.

2. Arkham Horror.

3. Go.

4. Ra.

6. Terraforming Mars.

8. Star Wars Destiny.

11. Gloomhaven.

12. Habitat.

19. Azul.